Length: 8.8 km. Level: Easy
Mtb Nikkarila takes cyclist to the moraine landscape of Vedenjakaja. An excellent starting point is the Parking area P8, where you can go straight to the Kukkarojärvi cycling path.
Right from the start you can depart from the rest stop of Kukkaro-Manninen, where you can find two tables.
The trail runs along a wide and well maintained trail. On the left is Mannisenlampi and on the right is Kukkarojärvi. There may be a few muddy spots on the way, but they can be easily crossed by mountain bike.
When approaching the cape of Kukkaroniemi, the route makes almost a full turn and continues east along the shores of Lake Kukkarojärvi while still on the right. The trail runs spectacularly along the shoreline.
With a small deviation towards the beach you can reach the resting area of Kukkarojärvi Lake, where you will find toilet, campfire place, lean and fitness equipment.
The journey continues slightly off the shoreline, diverging towards the first evergreen forest section of the route. Old trees with hanging moss creates a quiet atmosphere. Take a moment to slow down and enjoy the company of wise and old friends.
Next, the journey will be a bit more challenging, as there are duckboards. A skilled cyclist still stays in the saddle, but it could be a good idea to walk a little bit.
The route crosses Metsäopistontie and continues along the Mustonen shoreline. The path is slightly narrower than before, but still easy to cycle. There are more rocky spots, but the right path is still easy to find. There are several rest stops on Mustonen shoreline. The first is the southern base of Mustonen. The next is the fire place of Mustonen-Kypäräkangas.
The last part of the route goes through the familiar terrain and finally arrives at the original watershed, Punkaharju. The rest of the route can be driven either on the road or between the road and the lake. If you have not had a break in the past, now is the time for eating some picnic.
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