Home page2018-08-07T17:55:12+03:00

Watershed Trails – A Place for  Awesome Nature Experiences

Cycle, run, paddle or hike! Watershed trails offers adventures and relaxing nature experiences.

The watershed area served as a crossroads for waterways, through which people, merchandise and tools passed, while leaving the local culture an attitude in which a traveler is treated as an anticipated friend. The watershed is the highest place in the surrounding area. You are surprised to find a lot of things you are used to facing considerably more north.

The trail has a bristle landscape, sandy fabrics and a fine creek. On the way you will also see memories of our old inhabitants. You will not get lost on the route, and there is not a long way to the nearest road. The route is also well suited for the first common tent work for families with children or for those whose feet do not carry too far.


Plan Your Trip

Watershed Trails is easily accessible from every direction, both by car and by public transport. The route is only two kilometers from Pieksämäki train station. Pieksämäki Station is the hub for rail transport, from Kuopio, Mikkeli and Jyväskylä. You can compare connections, for example, with the adjacent Perille widget.

There are 18 parking lots in the routing area so you can start your trip from anywhere. From the route map you will find all the parking spaces.

There are also leavers and tent places on the route. The tent is granted according to everyman’s right. We have gathered examples of other accommodation options on our website. See also cabin rentals at Airbnb and Lomarengas.

Read more about Watershed Trails

The watershed provides routes to do and services to many different needs. Here are a few drawings of our offer.

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